Citation Policy


  • ATT&CK Evaluations are not competitive analyses — they show what the evaluation observed and do not provide a “winner”. We do not rank or rate research participants that take part in our evaluations.
  • MITRE reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time without notice.
  • Only approved materials may be published.

Uses That Require MITRE Approval

  • All commercial use of MITRE research in any form.

Uses That Do Not Require MITRE Approval

  • Members of the press and journalists are permitted to utilize excerpts from our research without our approval. To collaborate on media engagements please send requests to

Dos and Don'ts


  • Attribute the research to MITRE: provide a link to ATT&CK Evaluations website or the specific round results. Reference to the results is required.
  • Make it clear that any assessment of performance is your own (not MITRE's) and that we do not rank or rate participants.
  • We issue a unique digital badge for the round prior to publication. Evaluation partners may use this badge as a stand-alone graphic or with approved marketing collateral.

Do Not

  • Research Partners may not make any statement that implies or suggests MITRE ranked Evaluation Partners in any kind of order.
  • Do not reference or use metrics not assessed by MITRE.
  • Do not use terms like "won", "scored", "ranked", or "dominated" as those are inaccurate ways to describe evaluation results, which are not a competitive analysis
  • Do not make claims about other Evaluation partners' results or imply or suggest that they lost, underperformed, or scored lower in any kind of rating, ranking, ordering, or comparison.
  • Do not re-publish, quote, or cite ATT&CK Evaluations related content without prior approval from MITRE. This also applies to any sourced quotes or graphics your firm may supply to third-parties such as agencies, press, bloggers, or media. Do not re-publish, quote, or cite ATT&CK Evaluations related content from other Evaluations participants or media outlets that has not been approved by MITRE.
  • Do not publish any reference to ATT&CK Evlautions that has not been previously reviewed and approved by MITRE.

Approval Process

  • Submit all materials to
  • Please ensure the following:
    • Materials are shared in their full context in an editable format.
    • Please share any special considerations (timelines) you may have and we will do our best to accomodate.
  • Please allow at least 3 business days to process requests.
  • Approval is limited to the materials and context of the request and does not extend to other uses of the materials.


  • Violation of these guidelines can and will result in immediate suspension from the Evaluations publication and may preclude participation in future research projects. MITRE reserves the right to withhold reinstatement of results after a violation.
  • If you are aware of any materials that violate our policies or misrepresent our research, please contact

Updated 2025-01-30